17/10 Screenshot

Battery - BattStatt
Icons - Flurry Icons
Dock Icons - MnmlText
Clock - DigitalClock
Theme - Minimal Matte Grey by UltraLinx


  1. How do you apply this theme? Is it a requirement to root your phone?

  2. To have the notification dark grey like it is there you need ROOT. Everything else you can do without ROOT.

  3. Which program would you need in order to accomplish that? Is it just Launcher Pro or ADW?

  4. I loved how you did the dock, I'm just wondering if that specifically was programmed on LauncherPro or actually created with preferences while running the app.

  5. It's a custom dock I made. The icons and app launcher icon are literally attached to the dock. So I'm using blank icons for shortcuts.

  6. And how would I be able to make my own custom docks?

  7. plz could you say where you get the icons?


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