How To Get Your Google+ Invite


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I've been invited to Google+ and have been getting many emails and tweets asking me to invite them.

I am willing to send out invites on a first come first serve basis however I need your email address to invite you.

I have got an unlimited amount of invites so the quicker you are the better.

Firstly, follow me on Twitter then send an email to with your Twitter username. Only then will I send an invite.

Also it'd be great if you could like the fan page!

If you don't have Twitter but think you can give something else in return just email a proposition to me.

Please like and tweet this post so more and more people can get in on the invites.

People are asking if they can donate for going through the trouble of inviting them, every donation will be appreciated hugely! People who donate will get an invite before others. - DONATE


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