Burn A Quran Day...

Ok well this is something completely unrelated to my blog but very related to my life.

And this is my opinion and everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I'm not saying I'm right or my way of thinking is right. Just my opinion and view on this topic.

Me being brought up as a Muslim and my family, cousins, grandparents all being Muslim too I'm naturally going to be against "Burn A Quran Day".

It's the one of the most selfish things that any kind of human can do. It shows a lot of disrespect not to just a Muslim but to the person himself who is burning the Quran. It shows how narrow minded that person is and how they think their way of thinking is right and they have to take action on it.

It's not right at all and it's pathetic.

Not every Muslim is a terrorist at all, you will hardly ever see a Muslim terrorist. Being a terrorist is against Islam anyway and it's disgusting that any terrorist can say he or she is Muslim. No Muslim should ever go killing innocent people which haven't caused any harm. It's one of the basic rules of Islam.

Islam is a very peaceful religion, there are so many other Muslims out there that will tell you the same. They respect themselves and especially everyone around them.

If this "Burn A Quran Day" continues it WILL cause problems all around the world and cause war, there's no doubt about that.

Please leave comments below on your opinion on this topic, I would love to hear what other people think!

World peace people, that's what humanity should be looking for!

UPDATE: Burn a Quran Day has been stopped =]


  1. did anyone pick up on the violent threats posted everywhere by muslims? it goes to show you how "peaceful" they are ;)

  2. I came to your site looking for wallpapers and such. But I need to just say...of course...I support your statements.

    I'm so fucking embarrassed that this dumb ass preacher and I are from the same country.

  3. Although I agree that burning the Quran is not a good idea in the slightest, I also think that Islam is far from being a peaceful religion.

  4. Then you my friend are very ill-informed. Islam is a peaceful religion. The only problem is today's society and the "so called" muslims you see in today's eye. Any Islamic teaching that you hear or see as violent is not at all Islam. So please read more, and educate yourself so you don't post comments such as the one above. It is quit evident that you know nothing about Islam if you make such a comment in regards to it and violence.

  5. I hate what that preacher wanted to do, but look at how poorly the muslim world took to it. Several bibles were burned in Pakistan, thousands (not 5-10) chanted death to America, and even you said it could cause a war. Christianity gets mocked, spat on, and disrespected all the time. You do anything to Islam, and it's death to America.

    And sure there's peaceful parts to Islam. Most muslims are peaceful. But Islam isn't all about peace. And it sure as heck isn't about equal rights to women. How easy is it to set up a church in say Saudia Arabia? Oh wait. You get thrown in jail. Let's stone a woman publicly for adultery... Let's give our money to the poor as one of our pillars, but not to non muslims (part of the Koran)

    And for those wondering, I married a Pakistani and have been there, done that.


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