Create Your Own Android App Of Your Favourite Website

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AppYet is a service which enables you to make an Android app from your favourite websites.

It's really simple and you can make an app within minutes. The app itself is actually very simple also, all it does it takes RSS feeds and presents them in a neat and tidy manner.

You can sign up for a free account and try it our yourself. Be aware with the free option there will be AppYet ads placed in the app. You can get rid of these ads if you're willing to pay for the pro service.

I tried building one of my own but the app always says it can not be parsed, god knows why.

Have a shot at it and you'll be able to make an app for all your favourite websites.

If there are any developers out there who are interested in making an app for the UltraLinx site, twitter feed and YouTube channel get in touch!


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