Spaghetti Marshmallows for Android

There are many simple puzzle games available on the Android Market, but I do not believe any are more enjoyable than Spaghetti Marshmallows. Spaghetti Marshmallows is a simple puzzle game, in which you must align several marshmallows with rings in the sky using only spaghetti to hold them together. Let me introduce you to the world of building with food...

Spaghetti Marshmallows has multiple game modes; Normal, Playground and Rampage. In Normal mode, you play through levels of increasing difficulty to achieve the goal- getting your marshmallows in the rings. In this mode there are also obstacles that you have to build around such as frogs. These eat the marshmallows you place down, but don't seem to like the taste of raw spaghetti; I can't think why! There are also things like see-saws which makes it harder to build large, unbalanced towers. 

The Playground mode is a lot more relaxing. In this mode you can do as you please; build a tower, create a statue, try to write things with spaghetti etc. (Please add comments with all of your fun ideas of things to do in Playground mode!) Playground mode also brings bubbles into the game- I'll let you find out more about them yourself. It's probably worth mentioning that you get unlimited marshmallows and spaghetti to play with in this mode too.

The third game mode is Rampage. You can enter this mode once you have built a structure either in Normal or Playground mode. Right, you've entered Rampage mode; what next? You can now drop huge red blocks of doom- that's not the official name- from the sky to crush your poor marshmallows and snap the helpless spaghetti. Even when large numbers of 'huge red blocks of doom' are dropped, the game continues to run at a high rate of FPS and seems to handle the stress on the system well.

So, Spaghetti Marshmallows is a simple, addictive, fun, amusing, entertaining and original game for the Android Platform. Do I recommend it? No. Just kidding, of course I do. It is my favourite game for Android, surpassing the bird-flinging fun of Angry Birds and the original addictive mobile game- Doodle Jump. You can find the paid version of Spaghetti Marshmallows here and the free version, which contains a limited number of levels, here.

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