Right-click Computer and press Properties next to System Type it will say which you have. Do not use x86 on a x64bit
operating system and other way around. It can really mess up your Windows installation!

1. Patching your file system.

In order to use custom themes you need to patch your system32 folder. This is a simple one-click
operation that requires a restart.

Download UxPatcher here
(It's NOT the big DOWNLOAD HERE button. It's the Softpedia Mirror to the right)

Upon restart your theme might or might not have been set to Windows Basic (Non-Aero). Never fear, this is where it gets interesting: Themes! The best source for Visual Styles is as follows:

DeviantART - Customize and Pixelfuckers

In this tutorial we're installing APPOWS2010 which can be found on all three websites. Even a Google search will suffice if you want this theme. This tutorial goes for every theme you'll find apart from Windowsblinds.

2. Installing the Windows Theme Files

Now that you've downloaded some sweet themes, it's time we install them. Open Computer and navigate into Windows. Now head into resources and go into Themes (C:\Windows\Resources\Themes). You're gonna copy one folder and one theme file into Themes. The ones I'm copying into Windows\Resources\Themes is:

- Appows Dusk (folder)
- Appows Dusk.msstyles (Windows Theme File)

Now double-click the .msstyles file - or right-click your desktop and press Personalize and find your theme. Be happy for a second but notice that not everything looks like it should. Head on to step three!

3. ExplorerFrame.dll?

In order to change your Explorer (Documents, library, Computer etc) you need to change some system files found in system32 (C:\Windows\system32). You also need full control of your system32 folder which most users don't. Download and install this registry hack which will give you a TAKE CONTROL option when right-clicking an item.

That way you can take control over ExplorerFrame.dll and change it. If you don't feel comfortable overwriting it you can rename it ExplorerFrame.dll.old or copy it somewhere you will remember.

Download the registry hack here

You might run into some themes that have other system files to overwrite such as timedate.cpl
Simply repeat the previous step and you'll be okay. After changing ExplorerFrame.dll you might not see immediate changes. My advice would be a reboot.


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