23/12 Screenshot

I will now do videos for people who want to achieve some of the screenshots I do, so that people that are quite new to Android and need some guidance appreciate them.


  1. Do you think you could also do a video on how you upload them the way you do on your website? With the screenshot enhanced and on top of the background you're using?

  2. Just wondering, do you have any high-res wallpapers? Because I really like this one but when applied on my device, it looks ugly. All the images in your dropbox are just so small and I can't really seem to use them. Where on earth do you get them from at that size?

  3. @DJ - Yeh I'll see if I can do that.

    @Will - If you read the wallpapers post properly it'll tell you how to save them in high res.

  4. Firstly Ive got to say great work mate. Secondly Ive got a little request! Could you make a video on how you make a custom dock for LaucherPro so it is matching the wallpaper (like the one above). Would really appreciate that as I expect other fan would.


  5. Yeh sure, I'll get it done when I get some time.

  6. Ah shit. I feel like a right dick now! It's because I see multiple ones I like so I click in on my scroll button on my mouse so it opens in a new tab right away. I never single click and save it that way. Cheers!

  7. can you share that dock please? i dont see it in your dropbox

  8. Do you think you could add the additional card option on your icons?

  9. Yes. For example, when purchasing LauncherPro Plus, it was done through Paypal. But, he also had an option for people who don't have a Paypal account. That is what I'm referring to.

  10. OK but what has that got to do with icons?

  11. He wants to buy your icons.

    Dock please. ;)

  12. I want to purchase them. I don't have a Paypal account so I'm asking if you'd add the non-Paypal account option so that I can use your icons.

  13. Dock should be in my dropbox.

    @DJ - Oh right erm ok I'll try working out something.

  14. I can't see the dock. The only similar docks I can see have UltraLinx written on them.

  15. hey for your lowertext text icons, is the psd included? fonts? btw just wondering if theres a foursquare and tweetdeck icon in there?

    thanks alot :D

  16. The dock should be in there now.

    Nope no PSD included. Yes foursquare and tweetdeck is in there.

  17. hey would it be possible to add whatsapp inside?

  18. sorry but do you have a email that i could contact you @ for icon suggestions? just purchased and would like to have a more complete set of icons as i can see myself using it for a long long time :)


  19. Yeh sure. Email - oliur@theultralinx.com

  20. I still don't see the dock. If you're so sure it's in there, can't you just link it in the comments?

  21. https://photos-1.dropbox.com/i/l/Lleyu_OVko7DbjKV5ROYOF_v3JDq7ClsvyLC523o350/9451596/1293660000/622ba61

  22. Quick question, how will I know when or if you've worked it out so that I can purchase them?

  23. Well I'll let you know somehow.


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