10/29 Screenshot

Wallpaper available in dropbox. Parchment.
Smooth Calendar, One More Clock (beta tester)
Beautiful Widgets Weather Widget, "kalagas_weather" theme
Desktop Visualizer


  1. How did you make the weather and smooth calendar widgets fit so well?

  2. I used LauncherPro with a 10x10 Column/Row setting, and just resized to fit. There is an updated screenshot, btw. You can find it here:
    All that I added was battstat.

  3. Yes I just tried that then checked here and so you recommending the same method, except I can only get it to work if I use 10 columns x 5 rows

  4. Well, it differs from device to device, varying on different dpi's.

  5. Oppps!
    Wallpaper gone?
    Theme looks appealing and Id really like to have that wallpaper and give it a go...

  6. where did u get that clock


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