Show No Sign Of Weakness

The UltraLinx blog will still be going as strong as ever and the recent happenings will not affect how this blog continues.

I have also added a new Author to the blog, his name goes by Cristian. He'll be doing one or two posts a day which he personally finds interesting. He'll be doing things like interesting tech news and especially Android news which is what I have been looking for. I'll be adding his profile to the "The People Behind The Scenes" page soon, so be sure to check it out. He's a brilliant guy and has dedicated his time to this blog.
Appreciate it a lot Cristian.

If you would like to become an Author on my blog write a little bit about yourself and what you can bring to my blog. Also remember to provide basic info such as name, age, occupation....etc.

Be sure to visit regularly to stay up to date with the latest news, mods, themes, icons...etc.

And remember to follow me on Twitter where all the updates will hit first!

Peace out, UltraLinx


  1. Thanks for the introduction UltraLinx.
    I hope I can be of help and to everyone here feel free to ask me for help of any sort, I'll do my best! :)

  2. good news
    i love tech news
    keep on cristian^^


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