Minimal Matte Grey for CyanogenMod 6.0.0

Only works on CyanogenMod 6.0.0. Don't put silly posts saying it's not working because you're using a different ROM. It's only compatible with the HTC Desire so please don't complain about it not working on a totally different device. You can try it with other phones using CyanogenMod but I take no responsibility for anything that goes wrong.

This is not a Metamorph.

Installation -

Remember to always do a nandroid backup!

First of all buy the theme and then flash it over through recovery, link below.

Second - Download the XML file and put it on to the root of your SD Card. Then go to Settings/CyanogenMod Settings/User Interface/Tweaks Extras. Import the XML. - Download
This will make everything like the time and date and stuff white, but obviously you can change the colour if you wish.

Note: Non-Refundable


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