10 Facts About Text Messaging

1) The percentage of texts increase on average by 7%/year
2) Hispanics text the most in the world, followed by black people.
3) In the US, on average 4.1 billion text messages are sent per day.
4) If you text while driving, you are 23 times more likely to be in an accident.
5) Cell phones cause on average 1.4 million crashes each year.
6) 10% of teenagers text while having sex.
7) 28% of adults have sent a naked picture of themselves by text.
8) The average teen sends about 3000 texts per month.
9) Texting while driving slows your reactions to that of a 70 year old.
10) Why are texts limited to 160 characters? Friedhelm Hillebrand counted up the most common words and sentences, and averaged the amount of characters written on post cards, and concludes that 160 words is more than sufficient for a short message (SMS).


  1. I agree with #2 100% lol. When I was in High School a year ago, I saw Hispanics text like it's their job. No offense, though. I also believe Hispanics bought the most T-Mobile Sidekicks lol.


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