
Here is a link to all my wallpapers/docks.

For the wallpapers, actually click on the wallpaper, it'll enlarge it, then hit the button at the bottom which says "Full Size", it will give you the original picture, then file save as.

For docks, click on the dock, it'll enlarge it, then hit the save button below it for the original file.

Note - I do not own all of the wallpapers, a lot of them are found from just browsing the net. But I designed and own most of the docks.



  1. Question, have you downloaded any of Venix' wallpaper packs?

  2. Your wallpaper collection is amazing! I downloaded nearly all of them. Thanks a lot for them.

  3. Oh, nice. Enjoy them. Don't know if il put up more. Just came to recognize alot of the wallpapers. :)

  4. the docks don't save as .png but jpg meaning there is a white boarder. Can you please up load in .png. Thanks

  5. Did you even read the post properly?

  6. sorry about that. apparently i don't like to read directions. but thanks man. keep doing a good job.

  7. your wallpaper and docks are really awesome.
    Well done =)

  8. Hi bro check my new wallpaper: http://earendil09.deviantart.com/art/Get-Up-Again-Wallpaper-3V-189572151
    Maybe you would like it :)
    and thanks for all the inspiration in the modding of my htc evo.


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