20/08 Screenshot.


  1. Good, but is it a yout creation that skin?

  2. Yes it's my own modification.
    You'll find it Modded Apps post, the link is on the right hand side of the page.

  3. I have a problem. Genie Widget doesn't install.

  4. You have to flash it over or ADB push it. Can't just install it like a regular app, please read instructions carefully.

  5. Love your works. I hope you don't mind asking but, what font are you using for the Digital Clock?

  6. It's a different widget.

    It's called "DigiClock"

  7. Thanks for the widget name. It looks nice. So, you're not using any particular font? Like the weather/news widget? I thought it was Calibri but it looks odd on the phone, lol. Thanks.

  8. Nope all fonts are still the Android stock fonts. Always liked the stock fonts, they're minimal as it is.

  9. Sweet! Thanks for everything, it's great to hear from you rather quickly. I was wondering if it's possible to edit the Slacker Radio widget. You mentioned that you do it for donations. If it's possible, I'd be more than willing to. Take care.

  10. Yeh sure, email me for more details.


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