CSN Stores has amazing online stores where you can find everything from beautiful bedroom furniture to modern lighting pieces ! This is your chance to win a one-time use only £15 voucher . You can use it to purchase anything from their website. Anyone from the US, UK, Canada, Germany or Ireland can enter. All you have to do to enter is: Follow me on Twitter - UltraLinx Subscribe to me on YouTube - TheUltraLinx Then copy and paste this form, fill it in and leave it as a comment on this post. Name: Twitter Username: YouTube Username: Note: You have to use that format to enter and any silly comments will be deleted. The winner will be tweeted out on my Twitter so keep an eye out for my tweets! The winner will be chosen at random and you have to be following me on Twitter and subscribed to me on YouTube to win. Feel free to ask any questions. Closing time & date is Wednesday 10th November at 9PM GMT. Good luck! Spon...